No Problem Nosebleeds

The easiest way to stop a nosebleed is with Helichrysum.


Here's the scoop.

My Nosebleed Story

I used to get nosebleeds 5 or 6 times a year. Summer. Winter. It didn't really matter. This happened for the first 4 or 5 years of our marriage. I even remember a time when friends were over and I was in the bathroom for forty-five minutes waiting for the nosebleed to stop! Just wild!

Decent Solution: Aloe Vera

This is not a bad solution, but its actually very difficult to find an aloe vera that is just aloe. Recently we grew our own, but I found the aloe would work for a while but they kept coming back. This is primarily becasuse the ingredients in most aloes are terrible. the Equate one is easiest to go to the store and grab but check out whats inside! Don't buy anything like this.

This is not aloe anymore.

Alcohol! Fragrance?! Dyes?! It says it's paraben free, but I doubt that because it has fragrances. Gross. Get a grip Equate.

No wonder it didn't fix my nosebleeds, but I never stopped to look at what in this bottle. Most aloe, if not all, at the superstores are not pure aloe. They have this junk. Dump them.

A Good Aloe at Akins

There is a decent one at Akins called Real Aloe that contains Structured Purified Water, Organic Real Aloe Vera, Carrageenan, Citric Acid and Potassium Sorbate. Still too many ingredients for my taste, but thats because I found something much better for nosebleeds!

The Best Solution: Helichrysum!

This is all you need! Even when you're nose is spilling blood put this on the bridge of your nose and it will start calming down quickly. Once it dries more start putting it slightly on the inside of your nose. It'll bee gone in no time and I haven't had a nose bleed in years. Glory to the Most High for making natural things that work without side effects!

Joyful Mountain 100% Pure Essential Oils - Helichrysum
Best Place to Buy Helichrysum

Hands down, no doubt the best essential oils come from Joyful Mountain in Centerton, Arkansas! A local family makes 100% Pure Essential Oils. They have them all and at half the price of Young Living in most cases.

Buy Helichrysum Now

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