Wool For Your Babies

Home of Wool offer a lot of wool products for new babies and pregnant mommas.


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Here's the scoop.

Heads up, these are not easily affordable options, but I found a place called Home of Wool that does have a bunch of great wool products for people having babies. Sadly I haven't found another place with non-toxic baby products like breastfeeding pillows, crib mattresses, play mats, changing tables etc...

I'm just passing this along so you know about it and if you can afford it, then by all means get everything you can for your baby! However if $215 is too much for a wool changing pad I certainly empathize. I'll start looking for these things elsewhere as well. At least it gives us something to search for.

Home of Wool has plenty of awesome adult products too. Take a look at their mattresses and don't forget to check out our post below about the importance of fabrics and your bed.

Let's keep looking for some more affordable options. Please send me whatever you find too.

Other posts on non-toxic fabrics:
Fabrics & Your Bed
100% Wool Swim Suites

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