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When you start going down the healthy path, you start re-evaluating literally everything and one day I thought " What if I'm pooping wrong." LOL
I was thinking one day about colonoscopies and how people would have never needed those 200, 500, 4000 years ago. So we must be doing something wrong and someone is definitely profiting off it.
So it felt weird, but I looked up how to poop. (It's just too funny dude!) Hilariously enough I think most people are doing a lot wrong when it comes to pooping.
I've found a few things we all need to do when we sit on the ol' crapper and I can testify that there is a big difference after doing these things!
For some reason I found I was always holding my breath. Maybe you are too. When you relax is just slides on out baby, but there's a little more to it.
Have you ever heard the saying: "If you're eating Frankenfood, you gonna poop like Frankenstien."
I just made it up, but now you you won't forget it. When you eat at 98% of the restaurants around here your pooping will not be as easy. If you make wholesome, organic, non-seed oil cooked meals at home - oh that poopin' is smooth yo. As you change your diet your poop wont be so clogged up in you and more comes out than you think. (This is so gross lol)
Toilets kinda suck. Even before I started eating good I got one of these Squatty Pottys because someone told me there was big difference and it's so true. I think this alone may prevent the need for a colonoscopy, but realistic it's this and your diet. Of course that likely depends on when you start this change. Anyway, thats a theory I'll be testing for a while longer. You should too.
If you think about in other countries, their toilets are down to the ground and you squat. I promise you they are just smarter than us, cause they're 100% right. Sitting on a tall toilet is not how you poop.
I betcha anything ol' Abraham, David and Noah in Bible probably squatted! It's like when you have a baby and they tell you to lay in a bed. No! You should be squatting so the baby has a straight path out. This makes lower risk of issues. (Sounds like another good post.)
Get this Squatty Potty immediately becasuse it's like $40 and it makes all the difference. Get the tallest one you can. More squatty, more potty. You'll be telling your friends. I'd say this is a crucial household item, because of the way our toilets are built so high. I think the shape of toilet seat may play a roll in this too. (Not sure at the moment.)
Another thing the system does is make it hard to get fiber, so when you jump out of the system (best you can) then you find problems of that system go away. For example, Popcorn at the store sucks. However, actually just normal-not microwaved popcorn - from the earth - how God made it...has a lot of fiber! There is 3.6 grams of fiber in just 1 oz of this stuff from Azure. You don't have to feel bad eating it and you actually wont, even if you eat a giant thing of it.
That is a GREAT way to get fiber as well as some good fats for your brain from the butter and good salt that we all need more these days. You can load this kind of popcorn with as much salt and butter as you like if you use real salt and real butter. I show you safest and healthiest way we know to make clean, fiber-rich popcorn in this other blog post, as well as where to get all the ingredient you need. It take about 5 minutes to make and is so easy that my 6 years old can do it.
I doubt any particular brand matters. You can build one if you want. I've seen the shorter ones even at Aldi in the Aldi Finds section about once or twice a year. No matter where you find a solution, get this as soon as you can. If that means hopping over to SquattyPotty, just get on in there and do it. Support a great idea someone had that really does change lives in a very weird, but important way. I didn't realize they had ones for kids, so I'm going to pick up of those up, cause theres no way a three year old who's legs don't touch the ground is pooping with a straight colon.
While we're at it I should mention that switching to a non-toxic toilet paper makes a major difference where you've been having to wipe a lot. There is bleach and PFAS in all those "ultra-soft" toilet papers and they cause infertility and hormone disorders. Check out my post on Non Toxic Toilet Paper to learn more, but you will feel so much better on that level too.
Heres' where we bring in the wisdom of the physical therapy world. First of all - I do this every time and it really takes it a whole other level above just the squatty potty. It's going to seem so dumb, but just do it! Michelle Kenway explains that the posture of pooping is crucial. In addition by saying "moo" on the inhale breath and "poo" as you exhale...I mean it just works - theres a little more to it, so check out the video. (I wonder if it has to do with frequency as well? Not sure.)
Ok thats about all I can exposit from my little brain on the subject of pooping. It sure feels good to get it out, ha-haaa! (Daddy had a dad-joke lol)
Take all of this very seriously and I would not doubt that we'll come to find that colonoscopies are thing of the past. Let's all try this together and maybe one day we'll find out.
I hope this is a very strange blessing for you! The Good Lord made us a certain way and we just gotta stick to it. Pooping is no exception.
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.