Plastic-free Nontoxic Wool Swim Suites

We found one company called Merino Country that makes nontoxic swimsuits and gym clothes.


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Here's the scoop.

Y'all holler if you know how hard it is to find a swim suite that aren't made of freakin plastic! Especially for women and kids!

In particular we really wanted good swimwear for our kids, to protect their fertility and we found lots of great sites that sold all organic cotton except in the swimsuits. The ridiculous part was that they charged a premium for swimsuites made of (get this) recycled water bottles! That may as well be nylon or polyester, but they sell it like its a step up. That was when we felt like there was no chance.

After a few months we came across a blog post in Australia by Merino Country talking about wool swim suites and we were stoked to see that they sold them too!

Read Their Post

Wool Swimsuits are Phenomenal

These are hand-down the best swim suites ever made! You would think wool would be hot, but no Yahweh knew what he was doing when he made them sheep cause these are perfect for being hot. Water slips right off wool, so they dry very fast too. Faster than all that "quick dry" garbage they sell.They have a frequency of 5000 compared of organic cotton which is only 100, so you can be healing your body as you swim. Learn more about the healing property fabrics like wool and linen in this post.

Modest Is Hottest...I Mean Coolest

As a dad I love that my girl loves her swimsuit and that its effectively a tank top and shorts. Momma got the same one in her size too so they match and that makes it all the more fun for them both. Just so cute.

Perfect For the Gym

Wool is just as good at the gym as it is in the pool. Again the sweat rolls off and you're not absorbing those toxic chemicals from plastic when you get hot and sweaty. Remember this:

Wool keeps you cool. It can keep you warm too, but in this case you'll be so glad you chose wool.

Check out Merino Country from awesome, quick-drying wool clothes that are perfect for exercise, swim and everyday use! They have everything including pajamas, sock beanies and more. We love this place and really want to spread the word about it so people can stop damaging their bodies when they're trying to get some exercise.

Shop Merino Country

If you know of any other places that are 100% linen or wool, please shoot us and email below, but as of now this is all we could find.

How To Buy The Swimsuits

They don't sell a specific swim suite but you'll see on their blog that they have a top and bottom that together work perfectly as a swim suites. We've tried it and totally agree.

100% Wool Kids Swimsuits Combo

Kids Singlets - the 100% wool top

(For shorts it was easy to find tight fitting organic cotton shorts)

100% Wool Ladies Swimsuit Combo

Merino Boyleg Briefs - for the bottoms

Women's Singlet - for the top

Ballin' Wool Men's Swimsuits

Ok so I technically don't have these because I found a 99% cotton swimsuit at a thrift store, but I do have their underwear and they are so freakin comfy, no dude will ever want to where cotton on yo junk again. So I'm sure these shorts are supreme.

Drawstring Merino Shorts

The Best Mens Underwear

other posts on non-toxic fabrics:
100% Wool Socks
Fabrics & Your Bed

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