Big List Wool & Linen Companies

It was hard finding awesome wool and linen companies, so let us save you some time!


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Here's the scoop.

These are companies that offer mostly 100% linen or wool clothes, bedding, baby products, shoes, or anything like that. We have spent way to much time trying to find 100% wool that hasn't been dyed in chemicals and 100% linen. Always check each product before you buy to see that they are what you think, but most everything on these site is going to be complete wool or linen. I hope this saves you the hours we spent trying to find them. They don't make it easy. Get excited because these businesses ROCK our 100% wool socks off! Remember that Wool and linen also have healing properties amongst being antibacterial, plastic/chemical-free and tempurature regulating. Don't think you can't wear a wool shirt in the summer! In our experience it keeps us warm in winter and cool in summer. (It's polyester rayon etc... that makes you hot.)

East Perry

East Perry is slightly more affordable, (wool ain't cheap unless you buy used on Mercari or somewhere) and I'm in love with their products. They use a wool thats softened with animas fats and not chemicals. They grow all their own wool on their small farm. It sounds like baby's sleeping on these can have a lot of benefits like it being antibacterial, regulated body tempurature very well, helps with eczema and baby's just sleep better because of it all. same definitely holds true for for us in our experience. I'm not certain on this, but from my EMF research I'm thinking it may even block som EMFs, but I'm honestly not sure. Dig into that if you'd like. Anyway you certainly should check out what East Perry has to offer.

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Brubaker 100% Wool Socks

We are so excited that we found some 100% wool socks! If you got to any big brand store you'll always find 30% polyester snuck in there or mayyybe 15%. You have to pay more for for less plastic and we know by know that plastic when it gets warm, seeps into your skin causing increase in cancers and hormonal disorders. There should never be plastic in wool socks, because they are designed to keep you warm. These are ar less than $30 and and you get FOUR PAIRS. Fabulous deal! I wear them everyday. I've noticed because of their antibacterial properties I can wear them as much as 4 days without any stink. They feel clean the whole time, but after stepping in the garage to much they look dirty on the bottom and I end up washing them, but man the utility from these is as good as the price! They sell some for kids and more tight knitted ones as well, so hop around on their site a little bit and check it out all.

Shop Brubaker

Merino Country

We discovered this amazing Austrailaiin company through their blog post on  100% wool swimwear, which they've figured out how to use their clothing for. It's the only nontoxic swim suite we hav eEVER found. So many "natural" swim suite are just made of recycles water bottles. (Freaking same toxic nonsense!) Our kids use these from Merino Country and they're great! We also love the mens longsleeve shirt, boxers, shorts, ladies breifs, bras, leggings and dress! We absolutely plan on buying more from them as we can.

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Home of Wool Homepage
Home of Wool

Heads up, these are not easily affordable options, but Home of Wool  have a bunch of great wool products for both babies and adults.

Their Website

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