Chemical-Free Cookware

Heavy metals and hormone-disrupting toxins are all over cookware. Lets fix that!


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Here's the scoop.

Did you know that heavy metals and PFAS (which cause infertility and jack up hormones) are in 90% of cookware at the store and all that gets in your food?

It's a huge problem, most every restaurant is going to cook with this crap too! Even "healthy" ones do! However can you imagine how much nontoxic pans and cookware can improve your health?It's a great opportunity to heal your self in pretty major way. It definitely keeps us from getting sick so much. Let's learn about where you can get some good cookware!

Hold Up, Why My Pans Sucks Yo?!

Here's a the deets.

You'll see quite a few options at the big box stores that say "PFOA Free", but they still lie to your face. THey're still getting their faces sued off for the same problem. Marketing is a joke dude.

Kick Teflon Out Immediately

If you are using anything Teflon to cook with, throw it in the trash right now. It has all those forever chemicals and causes cancer and infertility, but do you know the history of teflon? Apparently teflon was invented to coat tanks, and repel elephants. See what you think about this:

That video was a little saucy, but even if thats not true, recent studies show you need to never cook with Teflon again. Part ways immediately. Isn't it crazy that most of the pans in the stores are teflon. Someone must really like money and really not like you. Just sayin. Teflon pans doesn't even heat up evenly. It's kind of a joke that our moms were all cooking on these pieces of crap for so long. I'm so glad the healthier stuff actually works best too.

How the Stores Trick You

Here is a great video from Just Ingredients showing you how many lies there are about toxic cooking pans at your big box retailer. It's frustrating.

This video is trying to show you the good to buy, but when we see a place selling this much poison and 90% of the options are lying about toxic chemicals just to make money...we just don't shop there. You can buy that good option somewhere else, even cheaper on Mercari sometimes. We can help fix this problem by spending our money elsewhere. There's something to consider. With this company in particular I know very experienced people who are working hard to get good products in this store and they are freakin super heroes. They are meeting with buyers and the Most High is doing very good things in those meetings to help get healthy options in the store, so remember there's always a remnant and they are making good progress.

How To Get Good Cookware

Y'all this stuff cost money and we hear that. I'm going to show you what we have, which we mostly bought for very good deals on Mercari by searching for "Ceramic GreenPan."

First you need to know what pans to look for!

  • Stainless Steel - fantastic option, just need to wait for it to heat up.
  • Ceramic - Usually most affordable and cleans like a regular pan, handles heat well. Don't scratch them. Don't buy these!
  • Cast Iron - the best and heaviest. Cooks evenly. Clean it a little different. No problem if you scratch them. Perfect for cooking over a campfire too.
Cost More, But Easiest Fix

The FlavCity cookware is made by Bobby Parish who understand this issue well and he has develop his own line of healthy everything, but more recently cookware! If you wanna just be done with it, and throw out your old teflon-crappy cookware, just buy his new Kitchen set or anything on his site.

Buy FlavCity Cookware
Save Money, Takes Some Patience

You probably don't use every pan every day, so take the two you use the most and start searching Mercari for replacements. Often times it's the 8" and 12" pan, so hop on there and save some money. We bought GreenPan brand that was recommended by Just Ingredients a few years ago. GreenPan is ceramic, so that saved us some money, heats up evenly and is still easy to clean.

Browse Mercari
In Summary

This is a great way to make a big difference in your health quickly. If you're just switching over to new pans I recommend a quick trip to Bachert Wellness where $40 will get you a relaxing foot bath that will clean out lots of those heavy metals form your body. I have some great info on that under my post for them in the Places section of this website.

Hope that helps y'all - blessings all around!

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