Watertree NWA

Take a look around!
Sneak Peek
2903 S Walton Blvd #9, Bentonville, AR 72712

Why We Love This Place

I'm so incredibly thankful for my man Kevin at Watertree NWA. He takes the city water and runs it through their big water filtration device that gets out all the nasty stuff, yes even fluoride. You still walk away with the minerals in the water you need. They call it "supercharged water" and you learn all about it on their website. Here's a little snippet from it:

More often than not, bottled water companies and filtration systems end up removing both the good and the bad from water. This leaves what we at Water Tree call dead, acidic water—water with a lower pH and without the essential minerals of water found in nature.
Our health is very closely linked to the pH levels of the water and blood circulating in our bodies. A low pH contributes to an acidic body that is a breeding ground for disease which is why Water Tree offers alkaline water solutions. Alkaline water helps to raise the pH of your body so that it can function like it should and hydrate more efficiently.​
A higher level of acidity in your body isn’t the only factor that contributes to poor health. Dehydration can slow your metabolism and lead to weight gain, impair your mental abilities, and leave you feeling exhausted, hungry, and grumpy. This is another area that Water Tree goes above and beyond because many of our products are able to create very small clusters of water molecules, or microclusters. Water that is delivered to your cells in microcluster form are able to hydrate you faster and more effectively.

Read it all here.

What's The Price?

I figured I wouldn't be able to afford it because we drink so much water around here, but I was totally wrong. Rather than paying a lot per fill up they charge a yearly "membership" fee of $50/ year and then you can go fill up your 5 gallon jugs anytime you want for about $5 - $8 each depending on the ph level you want. You can also pay a little more and not be a member. whatever floats your boat.They offer two levels because some really unhealthy people who want to start drinking good water can detox pretty hard with the higher ph level, so if you're new to it you may want to try the "Classic" for a couple weeks. We personally went straight to the Premium and had no issue , but we discovered this place really recently actually and so we'd been on our health journey for quite some time. Talk to Kevin and he'll help you with all that, plue he has just amazing overall health advice.


It may seem weird to be excited about a shower head, but for real, they have the best shower head ever. It's pushing $100, but its well worth it. The filter rocks and it's a powerhouse of soft, clean water, like nothing else. I've bought it as gifts for people and they kept texting me saying how much they love it.

It's actually a big deal. Did you know that when the hot water hits your skin it opens up your pores and lets all the chemicals in? Kinda sounds like WW2 if you know what I'm saying. Just casue you feel cozy don't mean it's ok. I feel like by now we should all know that's how they get ya sick. We're that comfortable frog in the boiling water.

Where is this place?

Watertree is located on South Walton in Bentonville, right next to Stonemill Bakery. go getcha some good clean water a'right?!


2903 S Walton Blvd #9, Bentonville, AR 72712


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