Bachert Wellness

803 Northwest 7th Street Bentonville, Arkansas

Why We Love This Place

How do I describe a place like this? It's so many wonderful things in just one little building. It's full of God's love, the healing power of Jesus and technology that allows the body to heal naturally and faster. There is so much good stuff here that it's really worth stopping in just to talk to someone at the front desk about it. I'll tell you how it's been an integral part of our wellness journey and the things the Most High has done through this magnificent little place.

Who are the Doctors?

Dr Travis and Deanna are secretly legends around here. Anyone who has been to this clinic has a story you may not even believe until you try the place for yourself. They are chiropractors that could be very abrasive if needed, but rarely are. We see Doctor Travis so I'm going to speak more to him. He doesn't even need to touch you most of the time except for a quick muscle test here and there and I've talked to people there who've been healed from very invasive cancers after trying everything the traditional doctors could. Short of broken bone, this is first place I will go for any problem.

When we first starting going I was detoxing a lot, and learning to fight the crap that's all around us. I walked in with a fever, couldn't even drive there, threw up in the parking lot and felt cruddy to the max. After sitting on that table, he didn't even touch me, but from understanding frequencies and our bodies I walked out feeling pretty dang great and a couple hours later...all better! He can work on the kids even while tey're playing in the room, so they don't have to sit perfectly still the whole time. You just have to praise the Lord for this family, truly it's the Lord's wisdom and they give Him all the credit. Jesus is King is right on his entrance and that's another thing. I can talk to him all day about all the bad stuff around us and learn tons, more than most people would care to know, but I never walk away burdened by it because he always reminds me that the Lord is our protector and we just have to be obedient to him. Its the most encouraging doctor I've ever been too. He prays with us too. I mean how much better is that than the traditional doctor stuck in the system.

Drug Free Zone

We stopped going to traditional doctors after the whole Remdesivir incident. In general we see that hospitals are trained to care more about profits then our wellness and so it makes no sense to go there anymore. We are not ok with pharmasudicals since their definition comes from the greek word pharmakia, which straight up means witchcraft. We follow Yahweh and he always provides better when you say no to anything that aligns with His will. God says stay far away from wichctaft and we take that very seriously, so we are even more thankful to find a local healer that is aligned with the Most High and doesn't even need to recommend any of that trash. Drugs are synthetic. Its man manipulating the things God made, so they can profit off them. God's version actually work correctly.

The Supplement Shop of Your Dreams

Bachert wellness may be the best supplement shop in town. yes there's a large selection, but they're always purchasing products that are based on the need in the area that they see in their patients. So it's kinda like a personalized supplement shop, but if there is something they don't have he knows if Akins has it or where to get it. The prices are very reasonable and they are very knowledgeable. The doctors have looked very hard into the supplement companies they've selected. Even into what kind of environment they're made in as to make sure these are quality and safe and they test them all the time to see that they're effective. It doesn't get much better than that.

Healing Technology Therapy

All these machine are free to use without being a patient. Local doctors recommend their patients come to Bachert Wellness for these machines. I'd say overall these cost a fair amount of money, but they're so worth it when you feel better. They try to lower the cost with some package deals. Please ask them about those. With all these they completely understand that we can't all afford to do these all the time, so they'll work with you on how often to use them.

Pulse PEMF Machine

I love this machine! It reminds me of things Nikola Tesla rediscovered, because it uses healthy frequencies (unlike Wifi, bluetooth and 5G) to heal you. It opens up your cells to receive the nutrients you need! So you heal faster from chronic diseases or even just after puking your guts out. I and many others can vouch for how relaxed and clear you feel after using it. If you feel a sickness coming on just get in there and do this as a preventative measure.

Learn more
Pulse PEMF Machine at Bachert Wellness
"The Brain Machine"

The Cognyva Brain Therapy system is the first holistic therapy device dedicated to treating brain inflammation and enhancing the brain’s cognitive function for peak mental performance.

They are very excited about this machine and what it can do for the brain. It's new to me but you can learn more on their website. We are very blessed to have one in NWA.

Learn more
Cognyva Machine at Bachert Wellness
The Erchonia Laser

This is often use to treat plantar fasciit, lower back and Nociceptive musculoskeletal pain using Cold Laser Therapy. A non-invasive, pain-free treatment utilizing specific wave lengths of light to stimulate cellular activity and promote natural healing processes. Doctor Travis also really excited about his handheld version that he used in the treatment rooms.

Learn more
Erchonia Cold Therapy Laser at Bachert Wellness
The Ion Clense

We call this "the footbath" because thats what it is. You just soak your feet in warm water for thirty minutes and during that time it's removing Glyphosate, heavy metals like aluminum and cadmium and you'll feel better immediately. i always feel a little lighter like I can slam dunk or something haha. You'll know what I mean. This is cleaning out your blood, your liver actually al sorts of things. Take a look at this color chart below. The color of the water thells you what its cleansing. Mind blowing!

Ion Clense Color Chart

Just see what happens in all my visits. I usually do this every 1 - 3 months, the following images were after only 3 weeks since my last bath. Don't puke!

Let's look a little closer...

The end of the Ion Clense
All that come out of my mostly my liver - through my feet! It really feels wonderful.
The Triad Aer

We love this machine!

You can purchase this device from them and I highly recommend you do as soon as you can. It's air filter that works like no other. First the filter is easy to clean, just blow it off with the vacuum. You don't have to replace it! It purifies up to 3000 square feet and does not recycle the same gross air. It brings much of the microdust to to the ground which keeps it out of your face, then you just vacuum it up, so that way it's not just putting that dust back in the air.

That dust is floating around because of all the electronic signals in your house like 3G, 4G 5G, Wifi, Bluetooth or even just power outlets. When you're not breathing that crap in, you get allergy relief and it even keeps viruses away. I highly recommend it because we haven't had allergies at all since having it! No joke dude! When I do have to blow my nose from a few sneezes, it hardly lasts any time at all.

For what it's worth I have another friend who got it first for his family and they will same the same thing. It's an incredible machine. Praise the Lord for this wonderful contraption!

Walk in there and ask them bout it and they're tell you how to find a place to put it and any thing else you need to know.

Triad Aer - the Allergy Killer

I clearly have lot to say about Bachert Wellness and now you see why! when God gives knowledge to people you need to hang around those kinda of people and this is that kind of place. The staff at Bachert's are up to date on literally every topic involving your well being and not being deceived by the ruler of this world. We know who our enemy is and it's not of flesh and blood, (Ephesians 6) but we don't have to be in the dark on all these things either. Let's not play his little games.

This may require you taking a step of faith into something very different for your life, but take it from me. In this case, different is so much better and the Most High will always bless you for being obedient to his ways - which are always best.

Can I get an Amen? :)


803 Northwest 7th Street Bentonville, Arkansas


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